Ashland Doggy Daycare
PUPPY Daycare
New Session Starting January 14th
Every Saturday from 12:30pm-2pm
Are you worried about properly socializing your puppy during the cold winter months? Is your puppy still waiting for vaccinations before being able to go out into the big wide world? Ashland Doggy Daycare & Spring Meadow Veterinary Clinic are proud to offer puppy socialization daycare for your puppy! Proper socialization is critical to the puppy’s proper development and the window for this period of development is only open until about 16 weeks. After that time, puppies are not as able to learn to cope with novelty and develop new relationships with other individuals.
What is the age range for puppy daycare?
A. Puppies ages 10 to 17 weeks
My puppy has not had all of his/her vaccinations. Will it be safe to attend?
A. Puppies who are attending our puppy daycare are required to have had their first DAP (Distemper, Adeno, Parvo) and Bordetella (Kennel cough) vaccinations as well as a negative fecal test before coming to their first class. Our playrooms are thoroughly cleaned before and after each class to ensure your puppy is in the safest environment possible.
What is the cost of a puppy daycare session?
A. $20 per puppy daycare class.
When are the classes?
A. Every Saturday morning. You will be able to drop off your puppy at 12:30pm and pick up at 2pm.
Will I stay with my puppy during these sessions?
A. No, this is a time for your puppy to learn to play with other puppies of a similar age and get healthy socialization. Our time together will be structured to provide the puppies with plenty of playtime, rest and exposure to everyday items and sounds in a positive and healthy way!
How is puppy daycare different from regular doggy daycare that you offer during the week?
A. Puppy daycare is only for young puppies who are too young for regular daycare. This is a stepping stone for getting your puppy ready for regular doggy daycare once he/she is old enough and has met all requirements. Puppy daycare is also a structured time with plenty of opportunities to experience positive playtime with friend, explore new sights and sounds and much more!
What is socialization and why is it important for my puppy?
A. Socializing your puppy is the key to ensuring you will have a happy, confident, and well-adjusted dog. Puppy socialization between the ages of 8-16 weeks is very important in setting your pup up for a lifetime of success. During this age it is critical that puppies learn and are exposed to as many sounds, surfaces, people, and healthy play with other dogs as possible in a positive environment. During the first three months of your puppy’s life, he/she will experience a socialization period that will permanently shape his/her future personality and how he/she will react to surrounding environment as an adult dog. Gently exposing your puppy to a wide variety of people, places, and situations makes a huge, permanent difference in temperament.
What is a typical puppy daycare session like?
A. Our daily schedule will vary each week. Each week we will offer new sounds and everyday objects so that puppies aren’t overwhelmed with too many items at once. Throughout the sessions puppies will be exposed to everyday items such as seeing the vacuum, walkers, hair dryers, etc. Sounds such as thunder, fireworks and babies crying may be played at a low volume to get puppies used to hearing them in a positive friendly environment. Puppies will also have exposure to large bags, masks, hats, people in coats, etc. Weekly participation is highly encouraged so that puppies have positive experiences to as many sights and sounds as possible.
An example of a puppy daycare session would be:
Arrival to puppy daycare, quick trip outside to potty
Playtime. Puppies will be able to play with each other while being expose to everyday items and sounds
Outdoor time (weather permitting) and potty time.
Treat enrichment activity of the day while being exposed to low volume sounds
Playtime. Puppies will be able to play with each other while being expose to everyday items and sounds
Potty time
Time to go home
Does my puppy need to come every week?
A. It would be very beneficial to come every week to ensure your puppy is exposed to as much as possible. However, as many sessions as your puppy can attend would be beneficial!
What if my puppy is almost 17 weeks already?
A. If your puppy is close to being able to go to our regular daycare the puppy socialization sessions would be beneficial to get your puppy accustomed to the daycare environment. Some puppies, depending on breed, are eligible to participate in puppy daycare past 16 weeks.
Will my puppy have any obedience training while at puppy daycare?
A. While this isn’t an obedience training program we do use opportunities to encourage the puppy to use basic household manners such as sitting for a treat, coming when called and not jumping up on people.
What if my puppy is scared?
A. Your puppy may feel a little nervous when they first start to come to puppy daycare. Nervousness in new environments is one reason why socialization is so important to get them exposed to the outside world. We are very patient with the puppies and do not force them to do anything that they are uncomfortable with. We will encourage them to explore new surroundings, but everything is done in a positive manner to help you puppy grow into a confident dog.
What happens when my puppy turns 17 weeks old and has completed the puppy daycare sessions?
A. Once your puppy is old enough and has had all of their required vaccinations to attend our regular doggy daycare they will graduate from puppy daycare and receive a graduation certificate & photo!
What are the dates of the classes with the holidays in between?
A. Our first puppy daycare session will begin Saturday, October 29th and will continue every Saturday unless specified by the Daycare in advance. There is no Puppy Daycare on Holidays.
Ashland Doggy Daycare, LLC
1746 State Route 60, Ashland, OH 44805, USA
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